Monday, March 7, 2011

Final Poster

1. "Hanging Flower" 18x24 poster print framed (white)
    "The Simpler Things of Life" 18x24 poster print framed (red)
2. 1-27-11, 8:53am, Benson Green House- BYUI
    1-27-11, 9:54am, Benson Green House- BYUI
3. Nikon D3000, F/4.8, 1/60
    Nikon D3000, Aperture Priority, F/4.5, 1/160
4. Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Border
    Brightness, Contrast, Vibrance, Exposure, Border
5. On the first flower picture, I increased the brightness as well as the contrast so that the flower would pop a little more. I then decided that I wanted to increase the saturation of the picture but only in certain parts. I increased it and masked out much of the background so it would not be so green. I then created a border which had the multiply effect on. To that border, I added a half inch black border on the outside as well as a small black line on the inside.
For the second photograph, I again increased the brightness and contrast significantly. I increased the vibrance also. Then, I increased the expsoure. I realized that the amount of exposure I wanted to increase the flower in the foreground was a different amount than I wanted for the background. I created two separate adjustment layers and masked out the flower in one and the background in the other to create the effect that I wanted. I then created a border the same way as the previous photograph.
I chose to have two photographs because I thought that I would be more likely to hang smaller ones in my own home. I then picked these flower pictures for the same reason. I am failry picky about what goes on my walls so I wanted it to be something that I really would hang and these pictures from the green house ended being just those shots.