Original Shot

Texture Shot
Edited Shot
1. Train: 1-8-11; 3:08pm; Rexburg, ID; F/5.6; 1/200; Nikon D3000
2. Branches/Texture: 1-13-11; 10:12am; BYUI- Taylor; F/36; 1/13; Nikon D3000
3. Edited Train: Blending and burned edge in Photoshop
I blended these two pictures together by placing the branches photo over the train. I then lowered the opacity so that it was hard to distinguish that the texture was branches. Because the branches were so harsh of a texture, I lowered the opacity down to 10%. I wanted texture in more areas so I flipped the texture picture and had two separate pictures with really low opacity. I then applied a burn border. I wanted this border rather thick to suck the viewer into the lines of the train and tracks. The opacity of the border is 70% to make the border not so harsh.
Type Effects
Original Shot
Edited Shot
1. Trees: 1-13-11; 9:58am; BYUI, ID; F/5; 1/1600; Aperture priority; Nikon D3000
2. Trees Edited- Tree picture with light border with text overlay
I wanted this picture to have a lighter feel. I first increased the saturation to make it brighter. Then I followed one of the tutorials from the book and applied the text. The font color is taken from the trees and its opacity was decreased to 60% so it was not as harsh. A white border was applied by using a Gaussian blur with an opacity of 59%.
Jessica, Your pictures are wonderful. I love the train picture. I think with your boarder and minimal opacity you really did an outstanding job. I'm not one for layered picture but I really love what you've done with that one. Good Job. And your Winter Wonderland looks like a professional postcard - Jake